🔶TST (Teleport System Token)

What are TST utilities in TeleOrdinal?

TST is the token of TeleOrdinal and TeleSwap protocol, both built on top of the TeleportDAO bridge. Within TeleOrdinal, TST serves two main purposes:

  1. Governance decisions: TST holders govern and make decisions for the TeleOrdinal protocol. This includes decisions about how to allocate TeleOrdinal treasury funds, which improvement proposals to accept or reject, which chains to add support for, decisions about TeleOrdinal fees, and more.

  2. Discount token: To incentivize TeleOrdinal users to hold TST, the protocol fee will be waived for Ordinal sellers who hold a specific amount of TST in their EVM wallet. Thus, the full amount paid by buyers will go to such sellers.


The total supply of TST is 1,000,000,000 tokens.

Initial allocation

Unlock schedule

Last updated